Black Mirror Series 1 to 4 Ranked from "Worst" to Best

Black Mirror is my new favorite show and I just couldn't help but rank all these brilliant episodes. I had a lot of fun with this show and I've seen all the episodes at least 3 times so I think I'm qualified to rank all of them for you, my dear readers, today.

Now none of these episodes are "Bad" per se, but well, some just don't meet the heights of the others. Also, I'll try to avoid spoiling the biggest twists with each episode but of course I'm going to have to talk about some minor moments so you might not want to read this only if you want to go in completely blind. Also, before you get into it, feel free to jump down to the comments and share your rankings and let's have fun with this. Okay? All set? Without further ado:


19. S03E06 - Hated In the Nation

Zzzzzz.... The first two times I saw this episode, I fell asleep. It was that boring. I had been binging for 2 hours beforehand and whenever this episode comes up, I go straight to sleep. Anyway, the third time I saw this, I got to appreciating it but the flaws just started coming up even more. The characters here are quite boring and they seem generally disinterested in what they're doing. This is a crime thriller in the vein of Se7en with a more techno-savvy criminal so it should seem to the main characters to at least be as engaged as Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, but they, especially Karin Parke, just feel bored. The concept of this episode is that robotic bees are killing people. How could you be so disinterested in this?

Also, I feel the actions that led to the finale of the episode is contrived and just there to provide a bleak ending. I don't like this episode that much.

P.P.S. Blue Colson is the cutest detective ever.

18. S03E03 - Shut Up and Dance

This episode feels like a cheaper, less inspired version of an earlier episode called "White Bear". A character is thrust into a situation they don't understand and forced to do all sorts of things to survive. This episode also suffers from not being grounded in a new form of technology, instead relying on existing technology for its gut punch, which I guess works as a standalone, but pales in comparison to the rest of Black Mirror. 

Also the final twist doesn't feel earned. A lot of people like it but I think it's cheap. Alex Lawther's acting is firing on all cylinders, probably turning in the single best performance in this show's history. See this episode for him.

 17. S04E05 - Metalhead

I gotta be honest. This episode is a lot of fun. It's a lonesome woman being hunted by a demon robo-dog from hell for forty minutes. Yes, it's as fun as it sounds.

Sadly, that's all this episode has. The social commentary is pretty thin to non-existent, and the final twist, like the previous two episodes I mentioned on this list, is pretty bleak for bleak's sake. 


16. S03E05 - Men Against Fire

This episode is pretty serious and frankly, quite dull, which is disappointing since its premise involves soldiers facing off against mutated humans called roaches. For most of this episode, it's just that premise but not much done with it. It kinda meanders until our main character Stripe gets sent on another mission and the truth starts to come out, which is where this episode starts to shine... That's why it's pretty low on the list. This episodes takes a while, but when it gets there, Jesus Christ, it's a hell of a ride. The last sequence of this episode is breathtaking and heartbreaking and disturbing as all hell and among the bottom four on this list, this episode stayed with me the most. The ending is earned and it will fuck your brain. Enjoy!

15. S02E03 - The Waldo Moment

This is the most hated episode of this show. Seriously, people give this episode a lot of shit. 

Honestly, even though one of my complaints with Shut Up And Dance, which is how this episode doesn't use an advanced technology to drive its plot, holds, at least the story and characters holding it together were great. I really got invested in fading comedian Jamie Salter and his budding relationship with running candidate Gwendolyn Harris. Their relationship was the heart of the episode. Then you have him trying to get Waldo to be a complete joke running for office, which is disturbing but all too real as of 2016.

I also really liked the ending of this episode. It's abrupt. It's unsatisfying. It's perfect.

14. S01E03 - The Entire History of You

"You fiend! How dare you place this masterpiece this low?"

Honestly, it's Liam's fault. Now I'm not the kind of person that demands a likeable MC, but Liam was so fucking arrogant and full of himself, that it wasn't compelling for the first half of this episode. It's like watching a man self-destruct. It's interesting but not sympathetic. 

I love the concept though. Being able to rewind all your memories and then suspecting your wife of cheating? What an inspired concept.

The second half of this episode is completely excellent. Liam won me over somehow and the ending. Oh my god, this ending will fuck with you for a while. The editing. The cinematography. The music. The acting. This ending is probably my personal favorite Black Mirror ending. 

13. S01E01 - The National Anthem

I love this episode. It's what hooked me into Black Mirror. Despite all of that, I do recommend either USS Callister, Nosedive, or Playtest instead to newcomers since well, let's say you'll never watch Miss Piggy on the Muppets the same way ever again.

So what is it about? A princess is kidnapped and to release her, the prime minister has to fuck a pig on live television.

I do have to say I minor complaint. Yes there are plot holes, but that's never an issue with me. I think the ending is quite predictable. I mean seriously, watch the first five minutes, know what show you're watching, and wonder to yourself what other way could this possibly end?

This episode is great, but don't expect any surprises.

12. S04E02 - Arkangel

This episode is pretty good. The concept is amazing, one of my favorites. The acting is great. But I gotta admit, when I'm watching this episode, I check the time a lot.

This episode is about a mother who installs an implant into her child so she can monitor her. This lasts until teenage years, so it gets as awkward as you can imagine. 

The ending of this episode also reminds me of The Entire History of You. So much so that I am thinking of doing something similar in my upcoming short film. Well, thank you Black Mirror for inspiring me.

11. S04E06 - Black Museum

This episode is not that rewatchable in my opinion. I can't explain why. I just got tired of it after the first watch, which was amazing. 

This episode is sort of the reverse of White Christmas. I'll get into that episode later, but for this episode, the whole is good, but the three sub-parts are kinda okay. I loved the first segment. I didn't like the second or third. The conclusion is very strong though and it ties together everything. It's one of the strongest endings to an episode.

Also, for fans, there are a lot of Easter eggs in this episode, which is a slight plus.


10. S04E03 - Crocodile

This episode is the reverse of Black Museum. It gets better when you rewatch it. 

The thing this episode brings so well to the table is the underlying sense of dread that reverberates throughout the entire episode. You're just waiting for the axe to drop.

I guess this brings out the same complaint as The National Anthem, which is that the episode is kinda predictable. Well without spoiling anything, yes, it is predictable and then out of nowhere, it isn't, in that order. 

To give you an idea, the episode starts with a woman who is involved in a hit and run. Her partner visits her a few years later saying he wants to write to the family of the victim, but she decides to kill him. An accident happens outside unrelated to this, but she sees it. An insurance worker is investigating the accident outside using tech that can see a person's rough memories. Take a guess how this story ends... but like I said... it's predictable and then it isn't.

Definitely do not miss this episode.

9. S03E02 - Playtest

This is an amazing episode. Wyatt Russell turns in a magnificent performance in this pretty much one man show. Basically, he becomes a playtester for a video game company experimenting with augmented reality technology. 

I won't give away too much, but obviously, this being Black Mirror, it doesn't go as smoothly as advertised and the descent into insanity this episode does is pitch perfect.

However, as much as I ADORE this episode's ending, it kinda sucks when you're rewatching this alone. When you rewatch this, always bring a friend who hasn't seen it before. It's more fun that way.


8. S01E02 - Fifteen Million Merits

I didn't like this episode on first watch. I thought it was slow and weird and just unpleasant and not in a good way.

But then I rewatched it.

On rewatch, this episode has a magnificent sense of dread that elevates the entire thing in my opinion. You savor the good moments and dread the moments when the axe drops.

Daniel Kaluuya delivers a stunning performance with this episode. His climactic scene brings me to tears every time and the ending of this episode is just so disturbing and sad. Truly a hallmark of Black Mirror. Mr. Charlie Brooker, I have to say, if any show can release an episode this phenomenal as their SECOND episode, I would be the proudest writer alive. Bravo. 

So yeah, check this one out, but please, give it a rewatch if you didn't like it the first time around.

7. S02E02 - White Bear


This episode, for a lack of a more sophisticated phrase, FUCKED MY SHIT.

I refuse to talk about this episode. I will not risk spoiling a single drop of this epic masterpiece. If you are going to walk away from this list watching only one episode, make it this one and I can almost guarantee you will demand more Black Mirror.

6. S03E01 - Nosedive

When it comes to social commentary, this episode is probably my favorite. Is it heavy handed? Yes. Is it entertaining? HELL YES.

In a world where people rate each other and where your rating grants you perks in life, a woman in the low fours wishes to rise up the ranks by speaking at her friend's wedding.

And in true Black Mirror fashion, everything that could happen, happens.

This "nosedive" is absolutely glorious to watch and the ending will give you a weird sense of liberation from the hour of television you just watched. You'll breathe a sigh of relief, "It's over, finally" but in a good way, coz I gotta admit, this episode is very stressful to watch.

5. S02E01 - Be Right Back

Talk about heartbreak.

A woman loses her boyfriend to an accident and applies for a service that interpolates his personality through social media and allows you to talk to passed loved ones. 

This being Black Mirror, it takes a turn for the worse. I won't dare spoil that though. The ending of this episode will leave you dazed and confused as you ponder the true nature of identity and the self. You will wonder what comprises the personas you show to the world and how everyone has a vision of you and sometimes, even you can fail to live up to that vision.

This existential pondering is caused by a truly heartwrenching episode filled with amazing performances from Domhnall Gleeson and Hayley Atwell. It didn't make me tear up, but I wanted to tell everyone I loved that I loved them after watching this. (I didn't end up doing that but what the hell).

4. S04E04 - Hang the DJ

So everyone lives in a world where your relationships are planned by automated coaches and all your relationships have expiration dates. This being Black Mirror... you know the drill.

The couple we follow through this episode have amazing chemistry. Georgina Campbell and Joe Cole turn in two of the best performances on the show. They're so cute together, you'll be begging for the world to go to hell just so they can be together.

The social commentary is also pretty interesting, as a portion of the populace slowly allows technology to dictate their lovelife for them. It's not in the forefront, but it's a good additional layer to the writing. 

Also, this has one of the best endings in Black Mirror. I won't spoil it, but let's just say it's a pleasant surprise.


3. S04E01 - USS Callister 

What a way to start a series.

Series 4 opens with this big bang of a space epic. Much like White Bear, I won't dare speak too much about the plot or the premise as this episode really is best experienced blind. This is easily the most rewatchable episode and hands down the most fun episode of Black Mirror.

Can I take back my former statement regarding White Bear? If you're coming away from this list watching one episode of Black Mirror, watch this. Or watch White Bear first then this so you go in increasing quality order. :D

2. SXXE01 - White Christmas

This used to be my favorite episode, but on rewatch, there's one episode better than this. This is Black Mirror's first attempt at an anthology within an anthology and I have to say it's their best attempt. The individual stories are interesting. They are very interesting. On their own, they would probably be in the top ten episodes for me. But as a unit, the way they tie the ideas together, it skyrockets this episode to the #2 slot. 

Each segment has a very dark and disturbing ending, and let me just warn you in advance: the final ending of this episode is the single most fucked up thing I have ever seen in my life. I have seen all the Saw movies, Human Centipede, One Man One Jar, Two Girls One Cup, and Quantum of Solace (it was so bad, I was disturbed), and THIS is the thing that stayed in my head for days. Don't watch this before sleeping.

And if you've been keeping track you should know my number one is:

1. S03E04 - San Junipero

One thing I forgot to mention about most of the episodes, especially in the top ten, is how thought provoking they are. On my third watch of Black Mirror, I was with a close friend of mine and we would almost spend more time discussing the episodes than actually watching them. So as questions of morals and ethics, the previous episodes are just amazing.

This episode is no exception. You can discuss this episode endlessly. But what elevates this episode above everything else is its priorities. While the other episodes are trying to let the moral lesson drive their quality and story, this episode sits down, takes a deep breath, and allows the characters to drive the story. 

In the very essence, this episode is a love story between two women who have very damaged pasts, but they find freedom and happiness in one another. I won't say any more than that, because to spoil this episode is to do it a grave disservice. 

I have never been as invested in a set of characters as I was in this episode (that and USS Callister). They are the heart and soul of this episode.

Now is this episode flawless? No. Is the ending kinda cheap? Maybe. Do I care? Absolutely not. The journey was magnificent and beautiful and I might even go down and say this is my favorite episode of television ever. Scoot over Ozymandias. Bye Bye The Constant. This episode hit me where it hurts and this being Black Mirror, it hurt a lot when it did, but hurt isn't the point of the story.

You know what? Just watch it. Actually, if you ask me, I'd save this episode for near the end... or you could just watch the show in order. I don't care. All these episodes are good, but this is my absolute favorite


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