
Showing posts from May, 2018

Black Mirror Series 1 to 4 Ranked from "Worst" to Best

Black Mirror is my new favorite show and I just couldn't help but rank all these brilliant episodes. I had a lot of fun with this show and I've seen all the episodes at least 3 times so I think I'm qualified to rank all of them for you, my dear readers, today. Now none of these episodes are "Bad" per se, but well, some just don't meet the heights of the others. Also, I'll try to avoid spoiling the biggest twists with each episode but of course I'm going to have to talk about some minor moments so you might not want to read this only if you want to go in completely blind. Also, before you get into it, feel free to jump down to the comments and share your rankings and let's have fun with this. Okay? All set? Without further ado: FIRST TIER - OKAY EPISODES 19. S03E06 - Hated In the Nation Zzzzzz.... The first two times I saw this episode, I fell asleep. It was that boring. I had been binging for 2 hours beforehand and whenever this episode

The DLSU CS-ST Flowchart Ranked from Worst to Best

Okay, brief prologue: this is a post from my secret blog where I use codenames for everyone so I dunno, if you run into a codename here, have fun figuring out who's who. I'm not giving it away. Also, if you know who's which professor, hush your mouth. I tried to be as constructive as possible but I'm an emotional person so I sometimes speak with passion, not logic. I already edited these feedbacks to be less harsh and blunt than the original publishing which is out there somewhere in neverland. Anyway, this is meant only as entertainment. If any of this offends you, I don't know, um, read something less offensive? Anyway, enjoy... Back to our regular dose of fun from that depressing last post, I have decided to rank every single goddamn course in the De La Salle University Bachelor of Science Major in Computer Science, with specialization in Software Technology flowchart from worst to best. A few ground rules: 1. My target audience is mainly people who ha